Sunday 9 October 2011


As I was going to be recording are preliminary task I thought it may be an idea to learn about Composition.
I learnt about the rule of 3rds. I learnt that this was the 3x3 grid, where the 3 lines intercept, where the audiences eyes would be drawn too as just placing the subject in the middle of the shot would just be boring.

I also learnt of Lead room. Always leave room where the subject is bringing interest to, otherwise they would look half cut out of the frame.

I learnt to pay close attention to the background and how to frame the shot to make it interesting to the audience.

One thing that I learnt more about was Head room. The ditance between the top of the frame and the top of the sunjects head. This is something that needs to be carefully planned as if you have too little you would cut off part of the subjects head and too  little would throw the frame off balance.

And I lastly learnt of Look/Nose room. This is the distance between the subjects nose and the edge of the frama as again you could end up cutting of part of the subjects face.

As the camera person for the task I thought it would be helpful to learn more on how to get good shots, I think this helped in the preliminary task.

Please look to Joes blog for editing and Danicas for lighting.

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