Sunday 2 October 2011

9 frame analysis from the movie se7en

Here I am going to Analyse 9 frames that I took from the opening credits of the movie seven.

In frame 1 you can see the pages of a book being flicked through. As an audience member you would become quickly intrigued as to what is in the book as you cant make out any precise pages.
In frame 2 it looks to be that a pair of hands are being scanned. One of the hands looks alive whilst the other looks dead. This makes you wonder what the picture is about or what it means.
In frame 3 it looks as if someone is holding some kind of cutting tool probably used in forensics. This makes you wonder what the person whos hands are in the frame are doing.
In frane 4 you can see the title 'Se7en'. The writing is really blurred and is clear for only a matter of seconds before blurring out again. The font the title is written in is very effective as its clear, white and is sharply edged, the audience can already tell that the movie is a thriller.
In frame 5 you can see someone writing a lot of information onto a page of a book. An audience member would be intrigued to see what is being written and would watch on in hope that they get to see.
In frame 6 you can see another page of a book but this time the page is full. Again you become intrigued into what is written on the page. You cant see what is written on the page as the writing is really small and the font is really swirly and unreadable.
In frame 7 you can see someone blacking out words on an article to do with pregnency. This makes you wonder whether this is something to do with one of the charcters or something else that could come to light further into the movie. Again you would like to find out more.
In frame 8 you can see 2 pages being sewn together. Again as an audience member your again waiting to see the purpose of this.
In frame 9 you can someone cutting out 'GOD' on a american dolar bill. It seems to be done quite precisely and your intrigued to see the meaning of why they are doing this.

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