Friday 9 December 2011

BFI Trip - What I learned

In the opening to films we should understand the genre, narrative, character, atmoshpere and the setting. This is what we should aim to achieve in out own thriller opening. We should aim to give a sense of whats happenig without giving too much away.
When we edit the piece we should aim to layer as many sounds as possible to create a better effect.
We should try to intergrate the the titles and the fiml together and an idea of the characters, some ways of doing this would to be play around with the focus or change around the depth of field. We should also begin the build up of tension in the films title.

Speaker - Visual Effects
All movies now made have their titles made using digital effects.
The open credits - Begining of film
End credits - End of film
Roller credits - End role up - The eend role up
The opening comes before the titles

The title sequence should tell you the back story of the characters and introduce the characters.

Speaker - Dexter Flether Actor/Director
You should aim to get the audiences attention on the opening of the film and not on the titles.
Establishing shots should be used on the main character. This will allow the audience to know who the journey is going to be with.
Also a good effect to use in the filming to to create thriller tension is quick images and moments.
A good idea whilst still in the planning stage is to get trusted opions on work some tweake may be neeeded to improve the work that you didnt notice. Also all shots should be shot near main location as it makes it easier to move the filming equipment and actors around.
A good note was to find the location before finalising the script as the script may be needed to be changed or adapted to suit the location.
A good planning idea was to make a scedule and keep to it, it will help get the filming done.
In the opening the characters need to be defined so the audience knows who they are.
You also need to plan how your going to tell the story and present the character.
A note on foley which was helpful was to make your own and not spend ages trawling the internet to find a suitable match.

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